Emmanuel Van Houtte (Bruges, 1962) graduated from the University of Ghent as a hydrogeologist in 1984. After working in IT (1986-1990) and at UGhent (1990-1992) he started working for IWVA, now Aquaduin, in 1992.
He was hired to develop sustainable groundwater management in the dunes. Infiltration was the preferred option and looking for a source water, pilot tests on wastewater effluent were performed from 1997 on. Based on the experience with the trials, the concept and the design was made for WPC Torreele (re-use) combined to the St-André infiltration project which became operational in 2002.

Besides WPC Torreele and infiltration, his responsibilities include water quality, environmental issues, natural management of the dunes, research and development. He participated in several European research projects (Aquarec, RECLAIM, DEMOWARE) and now Aquaduin participates in FRESH4Cs to develop the willow-field for treatment of RO concentrate.