Francesco is or has been:
- (a) Coordinator of the Horizon2020 Innovation Action „SMART-Plant“ and WP leader of >10 EU-funded projects.
- (b) Team member of more than 15 EU-funded R&D&I projects.
- (c) Editor in Chief or associate or guest editor of ISI journals, including Water Research.
- (d) Member of expert committee about circular economy and of the expert policy-support group about sludge management of the Italian Ministry of Environment.
- (e) Chair of international IWA conferences;
- (f) Co-chair of the IWA Specialist Group on Small Water and Wastewater Systems (SWWS);
- (g) Invited speaker and/or member of scientific committee of >30 international conferences;
- (h) co-author of >100 SCOPUS-indexed paper;
- (i) General Secretary of the IWA Resource Recovery from Water Cluster;
- (l) co-leader of the “Value in Water” Cluster of Water Europe platform;
- (m) member of executive board of Ecomondo;
- (n) Leader of the Water JPI Task Force on Alignment