Since 2019: Director of the Institute of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, TU Braunschweig
2010: Professor for Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, TU Braunschweig
2006: Habilitation in Sanitary Engineering on „Materials flow management and resource economy in the municipal wastewater sector“, TU Braunschweig
Since 2004: Vice Director of Institute of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, TU Braunschweig
1999: PhD in Civil Engineering on „COD-removal in dependancy on the type of activated sludge reactor“
1994-1999: Scientific Assistant at the Institute of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, TU Braunschweig
Member of DWA Technical Committee KA1 „New Sanitation Concepts“ and the Working Groups KA 1.4 and KA 1.8
Member of the DWA Working Group KA 8.4 „Water Reuse“
Coordinator of the BMBF-Research projects HypoWave and HypoWave+